Religious Life of the School

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At St John’s College, the complementary nature of the Religious Life of the School (RLOS) and the Learning and Teaching of Religious Education (RE Curriculum), reflects the Brisbane Catholic Education Model for Religious Education.  The interrelated focus is on teaching people religion and teaching people to be religious. It is strongly connected to Catholic Christian teachings, Benedictine Spirituality and the Sisters of the Good Samaritan of the Order of St Benedict's tradition of ‘Who is my neighbour?’ There is acknowledgement of the multi-faith context of the community that reflects an ecumenical contemporary culture. This is embedded in the Religious life of St John’s College and reflects a core tenet of the Brisbane Catholic Education Learning and Teaching Framework (2013). We aim to educate all to live the Gospel of Jesus. As informed learners, students seek to find meaning in the search for truth and do what is right.  St Joseph’s Parish is a crucial part of our students’ religious experience and a strong relationship is nurtured.

 The Religious Identity and Culture

  • The Vision and Mission of the College is steeped in the heritage of the Benedictine tradition and the Good Sam’s charism and reflects the Catholic Christian life.
  • The focus of our religious identity and culture is centred round our College values of the Good Sam’s: Community, prayer, listening, balance, word of God, compassion, stewardship, humility, healing, peace and hospitality and partnership.
  • Our educational mission is holistic and inclusive, catering for diverse needs, focusing on young men and women within the Catholic context of sacredness and right rela​​tionships and service.
  • Liturgies, daily prayer and reflection enhance the religious culture of our community.
  • The sense of the sacred is reflected in the symbols and images of our community. 

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Evangelisation and Faith Formation

  • The religious life of our College inspires the faith growth of its members and encourages them to live the Gospel, by furthering spiritual formation and being witness to the wider community.
  • Students and staff are encouraged to see and live the sacramentality, indicative of the Benedictine tradition, of everyday moments through their relationships.
  • The College’s Retreat and Reflection Day programs offer a chance for each year level to be in touch with the person, vision and teaching of Jesus.
  • Spiritual and Faith Formation is a dimension that contributes to the journey of a person towards wholeness.
  • Opportunities allow all members of the College to be witness to the wider community and to be present to others, to make a difference and be more informed and involved in issues of social justice.
  • Prayer and Worship
  • Our community is enhanced by prayer and worship, nourishing the spiritual growth of all and is integral to the identity and culture of St John’s College.
  • The experience of liturgical events, celebration of Eucharist and rituals provide opportunity for all members of the community to lead, participate and contribute.
  • The nature of prayer and sacraments is a key component of the curriculum that complements the lived experience of faith.
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St John’s Justice

  • Social Action and Justice in our College community begins with building right relationships centred round the Catholic Social Teachings of respecting the dignity of all.
  • Our community is made up of people of a range of cultural, social and to a certain extent, religious backgrounds, where the notions of welcome and inclusion foreground communication, interaction and relationships.
  • Social Justice and the Social Action of the Church are embedded into the religious curriculum and are addressed across other areas of learning, allowing students opportunities for critical discernment and action.
  • Advocacy for building a just community and the responsibility of stewardship is inherent in the spirit and ethos of our College and in the imperative to take action by “being neighbour to all and being ‘guest’“, through our service to others and the world around us.
  • The culture of our Catholic community allows for, and encourages, self-reflection to ensure that through action, justice is served and the dignity and equality for all is maintained.

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 © Brisbane Catholic Education, St John's College (2022)